Saturday, February 23, 2013

Avery's 3 Months!!

     Remember in school when you were learning about algebra and your teacher told you that a + b = c? I remember thinking what the heck I don't understand math and numbers as it is and now your telling me there's letters to? Give me a break!! Then I remember that feeling I got when I finally understood it! It was like some gears clicked and I had a new confidence that I would get 100% on my test! Ha ya right, I never got 100% on anything! There's a load of false confidence if ever, but on a happier more optimistic note, that's kinda how I felt yesterday (minus the self doubt and failing part haha, I'm starting to think this was a horrible example!).
     A girl I went to church with came over (I know what a great friend) and gave me a ton of pointers and instilled confidence in me for a shoot I have coming up, it's just of my nephew but I've never taken pictures of anyone else's kids but my own so there's no pressure and I don't expect much from myself then! So she came over and I fed her some broccoli cheddar soup (i felt so domesticated woot! haha) and we sat down and she went on about lighting and backdrops, explained about her favorite lenses and what she does when she goes for a shoot.
     Shes easy to bribe, a little food goes a long way! just kidding ;) It's amazing she was even able to come over because I worked shift work in ER and i know how chaotic schedules are! She so gave me some great criticism on my pictures I had taken of Avery before to! I also decided that if I want great bokeh shots and awesome portraits I need to invest in a 'nifty fifty' whooo good nerdy photography lingo eh? :)
     Anyways so I'm way more confident about my nephews pictures woop! And I'm going to try do some family shots of just my little family to hopefully!! Here's what I got for Avery's 3 month pictures!!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Date Downtown

     Well my little bean is 3 months old today, half way to solid food wahoo! Hubby took me out on a date last saturday, left our squirt with granny and gramps and we went downtown and I got to take a bunch of pictures again. It's great having him come to, he's a good spotter!

    We had ourselves some fancy coffee at some cafe and had a good walk around. Sure was fun being without the baby, don't get me wrong I sure was happy to see her when we picked her up but it's nice that I know that she can be away from me once and a while to for some non baby time, woot!And hey who doesn't like to spend time with just their hubby! And on a side note I'm half way through the shootflyshoot course! It's completely dumby proof! So great for me haha.
     I'd be out today if it weren't for the -40 weather we've got going on right now. I'll be doing some 3 month shots with my little nugget today so I'll have to post those when I'm done. Anyways here's what I got for the day!



Saturday, February 9, 2013

Photos at the Forks

If you haven't heard of the Forks before it's a pretty popular touristy place to check out in Winnipeg. It's where 2 of the rivers in Winnipeg meet and thus the 'Forks', I know not super original haha. Anyways so my father in law and I went and did a bit of a walk around and got some pictures. I'm not super impressed with mine, I don't think they ended up being nearly as creative as I was hoping they would be, but hey I'm still learning. I registered for a course in photography with our leisure guide but it's totally full up, booo! SO I've found this great site, these 2 guys teach you all you need to know to get started via videos, it's decently priced and you can look back on the videos as often as you want.