Friday, May 10, 2013

Seniors, Babies and Cars

Wow, it's kinda been a while since I've been on here. Hmm I should probably stay on top of that better. Things have been a bit slow on the photography side here, lately I've been matching socks and having coffee dates with other moms... what's not to love about that?? However, I've been learning an awful lot when it comes to editing, soaking up every book, video, magazine I can. Not just on editing though. I've been doing most of my posting on facebook. I've been making some logos for a couple friends and designing a school graduation invite to keep busy. I made myself a new logo and watermark to! I'm realizing that I really like graphic designing. Maybe I didn't take the right road out of high school when it comes to post secondary careers? Never too late to learn I guess! 

That dear old hubby of mine made me a backdrop holder, oh what a man... so romantic ;). Anyways, so I'm loving that! After some troubleshooting ( wrinkled fabric) we've finally got a 'studio' type setting. I parked my lil almost 6 month bean in my 'studio' and clicked away. She's so smiley it sure makes things easy. So when I think I must be the best ever at making kids smile I get asked to do someone elses kiddo I'm like ya for sure!! I tell ya, doing the same dumb sounds and goofy faces to someone elses kid instead of my own... they look at me like I'm some kook! Maybe I am? It's ok my daughter loves me for it :D! So here's what I've been up to photo wise.... If you wanna see more check out my facebook page at, show some love and like my page I'd really appreciate that! 

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